August 2022 Sparkle Joy

August Sparkle Joy~ Here’s a snippet….

Last week, Touchstone Crystal held an Girls Trip Incentive in Boston. In my 9 years here, I never not earned or missed an incentive getaway...till now.

At first I was crushed...I felt like I failed my team. I always try to lead from the front...but this time, fell short. So I had to pull myself up by my bootstraps, and see this as an opportunity.

There was a reason why I did not earn it...I feel it's a teachable moment.Maybe I can use this to help others understand that you just don't give up if you don't achieve a learn and overcome and work differently to earn the next.

But I was able to squeeze in some time to visit and FINALLY meet some of my newer leaders!! And give them BIG SQUEEZES!!!! Ahhh...there's nothing like being surrounded with women who love & support each other!

How I love my Sparkle Queens family! 

And then to wrap it up with a sleepover at my daughters apartment in Fenway! They're cat is not my fan lol) This Momma's heart was filled!! I love seeing my girls happy & successful! 


Ok, so now I'm gonna get real. I was about to send this email out but I made a commitment to myself to be REAL with you all. The good & the would be unauthentic if I just sent the good stuff. ….


September 2022 Sparkle Joy


July 2022 Sparkle Joy