October 2022 Sparkle Joy

Sparkle Joy Newsletter ~ Here’s a snippet….

You know they say you've gotta just book that Girls trip!?....well...you gotta just BOOK that GIRL'S TRIP!! We've talked about it for years...but it's never the "right time". Between kids, working, the expenses....but my gosh, sooooo good for the soul! 

We got our country on & spent 4 days in Nashville. OMG - sooooo much freakin fun!

The live bands, the "drinking spin class", the laughs, the dancin....the memories we made. #olbroadsnboots

We, as women, tend to put ourselves and our well being on the back burner. But to shut down and just enjoy a few days with great friends....so needed. 

So go book your fun...can't wait to hear where you are headed!! 


It's SPARKtober!!!! 

I've got TONS of gifts and fun to give you...take a look!!….


November Sparkle Joy


September 2022 Sparkle Joy