July 2022 Sparkle Joy

July Sparkle Joy~ Here’s a snippet….

Finally...it's Summer!!! I hope that you all had a great 4th of July weekend. Between helping my oldest and her boyfriend move into their new apartment in Boston, Tony & I hosting a family cookout, then going to enjoy fireworks, it was a whirlwind.

I am definitely looking forward to some beach days, lobster & steamers, Dels Lemonade and Dunkin Iced all summer long. See, I'm a simple girl! hahaha

Thrilled to announce that I will be headed to Dallas in August as I am, once again, an Official SPONSOR of the Miss America Outstanding Teen Organization!!! Yes...lil ole ME! So excited to spread Sparkle joy with such an incredible organization. (Follow me on social to get all the behind the scene action!) 


But I can't even explain how freakin excited I am to share all of the gifts I have for you!!! You know how I LOVE sharing the sparkle!!! And I know that jewelry isn't everyone's passion. But what I do know is how to help train & coach others to build their direct sales/network marketing business.


August 2022 Sparkle Joy